DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Jeremy Luft

Professional Goals 2012-2013


1.  Development of SLO Targets

2.  Development of SLO and Local Assessments

3.  Calculation and Reporting of Data (SLO, Local, Observation)

a. Infinite Campus

b. WinCap

c. Teachscape

d. i-Ready

e. AIMSweb

f. Data Warehouse


B.   Curriculum

1.  K-8 Technology Standards

a. Develop iPad lessons aligned to common core

b. Work withAMDto launch lessons for grades 6-8

c. Review and revise existing lessons ensure common core alignment          

2.  Internet Safety

         a. Work with committee to roll out grade specific curriculum

         b. Offer PD on Internet safety curriculum.

         c. Offer parent engagement evenings

3.  Digital Portfolios

         a. Explore and recommend digital portfolio solution.

C.   Communication

1. E-Chalk Class Pages K-12

         a. Increase communication between school and community

         b. Links to homework, study guides, class notes, resources, etc

         c. Staff development

2. Infinite Campus

         a. Increase communication between school and community

         b. Explore online registration system

         c. Increase percentage of parents with active accounts

3.  Explore new ways to improve communication with community

         a. Prepare buildings and district for “paperless”

         b. Increase percentage of parents on O-Blast, IC Portal, and Social Media

D.   Data

1. Data Dashboard

a. Update existing dashboard data

b. Expand dashboard to include more formative and local data

c. Keep dashboard up to date, relevant, and aligned to district vision.

2.  Building Level Data Teams

a. Provide data to improve instruction

b. Provide data to make decisions

c. Provide data to develop SLO and Local assessment targets

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